Settlers Safaris
First Timer (10 days / 11 nights)
Ten animals:KuduGrey DuikerCape SpringbuckImpalaBlesbuckMountain Reedbuck or BushbuckWarthogBlack SpringbuckPlus two females(Impala, Blesbuck, Springbuck or Warthog)
2 x 1 = $6400 pp or 1 x1 = $6800
Standard 1: 5 days/ 6 nights
Choose four trophies:Grey DuikerBlesbuckCape SpringbuckMountain ReedbuckImpalaWarthog
2 x 1 = $3500 pp or 1 x 1= $3900
Standard 2: 7 days/ 8 nights
Six trophies:Grey DuikerBlesbuckCape SpringbuckMountain ReedbuckImpalaWarthog
2 x 1 = $4200 pp or 1 x1 = $4600
Standard 3: 10 days/11 nights
Ten trophies:KuduImpalaZebraBlesbuckBlue or Black WildebeestBushbuckGrey DuikerWarthogCape SpringbuckBlack Springbuck
2 x 1 = $7400 pp or 1 x1 = $7900
Three trophies:ImpalaCommon DuikerWarthog
2 x 1 = $2500 pp or 1 x1 = $2900
Spiral Horned Antelope: 7 days/8 nights
Four trophies:KuduNyalaElandBushbuck
2 x 1 = $7900pp or 1 x1 = $8600
Father and Son: 10 days/11 nights
Eight trophies to be shared:KuduImpalaZebraBlesbuckBlue or Black WildebeestCommon DuikerCape SpringbuckWarthog
2 x 1 = $7900 per package