Settlers Safaris

plan your safari

Visa information

Visitors from most Western European and Commonwealth countries, as well as the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and the United States of America do not require visas to enter South Africa. A free entry permit will be issued upon arrival. This permit is valid for up to 90 days, make sure your passport is valid for at least 30 days after the end of your intended stay. Follow this link to check whether you need to organise a visa prior to arrival. Department of Home Affairs – Exempt Countries (

If you are not entitled to an entry permit, you will need to organise a visa at a South African embassy or consulate, found in most countries. Please visit the Department of Home affairs website for more information. For contact details of South African embassies and consulates use the following link. Websites of SA Missions (


You will need to organise flights into Johannesburg or Cape Town, where you will connect onto a flight to Port Elizabeth or East London airport. One of our guides will meet you there and take you to camp. Please make sure you have sufficient time in between connecting flights as getting from International to Domestic flights takes some time as all luggage must be collected, cleared through customs and checked in again for your Domestic flight. If you are travelling with rifles, you will need longer as rifles will have to be inspected by the South African Police Services. We recommend 2,5 hours layover.

Temporary import of fire arms and ammunition

In order to bring your rifle into South Africa you will need to fill out a SAPS 520 form. You will need to bring additional paperwork along with your completed SAPS 520 form. Please note that you cannot bring more than 1 rifle per calibre and not more than 200 rounds of ammunition per calibre. Click on the following link to download your SAPS 520 form import_application.pdf (

Additional required document

  1. Certified/Notarized copy of your passport
  2. Itinerary or copy of your return airline ticket
  3. Certified/Notarized proof of ownership or fire arm license
  4. For US citizens a custom declaration form 4457, which can be obtained at any US custom office, and major airports. For all other hunters an official export permit or letter from local government will be accepted.
  5. Invitation letter from Settlers Safaris, which we will provide to you.

How to complete the SAPS 520 form;

  • Page 1 of 8 nothing
  • Page 2 of 8 Client info; fill out E1-25
  • Page 3 of 8 only F only clients (owner) details
  • Page 4 of 8 G only (import info)
  • Page 5 of 8 Details of firearm and ammo
  • Page 6 of 8 Client needs to sign (at the airport in front of a police officer) + details, do not fill out K

NB: The form needs to be signed in front of an officer if the South African Police Services. DO NOT sign prior to arrival.

Temporary firearms permits can be organised prior to arrival at an additional cost. Several companies offer a meet and greet service. They will organise the permit prior to arrival and will await you at the airport to guide you through the rifle inspection and onto your connecting flight.


Please note that it is NOT allowed to import two rifles of the same calibre.
The following fire arms may NOT be imported:
• Any fully automatic weapons
• Any semi-automatic weapons
• Handguns for self-defence
• Any weapons that fall in the military category

Please bring the following:
– Proof of gun ownership
– Custom form from local customs
– Filled out SAPS 520
– Fire arm that you are accustomed with. We recommend the following calibres for plains game: .270, 30/06, 7 mm Magnum, .300 Winchester, .300 Weatherby Magnum, .308, .303. For Big 5 Game a minimum of .375 is required.
– The Fire arm should be equipped with a variable scope, 2×7 or 3×9
– Rifle sling
– 80 rounds of soft point ammunition per calibre.
– Hard gun case (Airline approved) and soft gun case (optional) for travelling

3 x Pants, cotton safari type in khaki or green, or jeans if preferred.
3 x Hunting shirts in khaki/ green or camo.
1 x Lightweight hunting jacket in khaki/green or camo.
1 x Heavy warm jacket during June, July and August, our winter months
1 x Hunting hat (we supply also)
4 x Sets of underwear and socks
1 x Belt
1 x Pair of light weight hunting boots (well broken in for you will do a lot of walking)
1 x Safari vest (as from Cabela’s) – this is very handy, but optional
1 xRain gear
Cammo may be worn in South Africa
Laundry is done daily, weather permitting

1 x Folding knife
1 x Rifle shell holder
1 x Sun glasses and Sunscreen
1 x Camera and batteries
1 x Binoculars
1 x Converter from 120V to 220V

Personal medication if needed – remember our area is malaria free.
Flashlight with extra batteries
Extra prescription glasses
And a good sense of humour!

Travel documents
Gun permits
Proof of gun ownership (Custom form 4457)
Invitation letter from Settlers Safaris
Reading material like ( how to improve on my hunting stories )or ( how to make people believe in my hunting stories)
Airline tickets
Money: travellers cheques
Medical records (as required in case of emergency)